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Kotringo to hold "Christmas Premium Live" at Minami Aoyama Chapelle Des Anges!

COMMON GROUND presents "The Live in Church"

Minami Aoyama Le Angers Church "Christmas Premium Live"

Date: Tuesday, December 13th

Venue: Le Angers Church, Minami Aoyama, Tokyo

Cast: Kotringo, Red Shoes

*Limited to 80 people

■ Open 18:30 Start 19:00

■ Advance sale 4000 yen [All seats are unreserved]

■ 4,500 yen on the day [You may have to stand]

■ チケットぴあ [ Pコード:155-698 / tel 0570-02-9999 ] 

■ LAWSON TICKET [L code: 70408 / tel 0570-084-004]

■ 問合 [HANABI] 092-531-1199 

■ supported by Minami Aoyama Le Anger Church

* No entry for preschool children

*COMMON GROUND pre-sale: 11/9 (Wed.) ~ 11/16 (Wed.)

* Ticket PIA pre-reserve: 11/12 (Sat) - 17 (Thu)

* General ticket sales: 11/18 (Friday)