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Kotringo 's special live will be decided at the Christmas lighting ceremony held at Vulcanize London Aoyama on Friday, November 22!

A one-night British Christmas event will be held on November 22nd (Friday) at "Vulcanize London Aoyama", an arcade shop where you can enjoy "Modern British Luxury" as a one-stop shop. "Vulcanize London Aoyama" is located on Aoyama Kotto-dori, which is based on the concept of a shopping arcade in London, England, which is symbolized by Burlington Arcade, where Globe Trotter has its head office. A Christmas tree of about 3 meters will appear in the store where "British Now" is condensed from the British Royal Warrant brand that was blessed with the birth of the Royal Baby to the up-and-coming brand. You can enjoy the atmosphere of London on a holy night with warm British illuminations. And it is decided to hold a special live by Kotringo to add glamor to such an event! Kotringo 's outstanding piano performance and clear singing voice create a unique world that will make Chris Mass Evening gorgeous! !! Please spend an elegant time while enjoying "Mulled wine" which is indispensable for Christmas in England with gift items received from England.
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【点灯式 概要】 日時:2013年11月22日(金) 18:30 点灯式 18:40 コトリンゴ ライブ開始(約30分) 19:30 イベント終了 料金:無料(※どなたでもご参加いただけます。) <内容> グランドピアノ演奏とともに5~6曲演奏予定 <場所> ヴァルカナイズ・ロンドン青山 所在地: 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山5-8-5 TEL  : 03-5464-5255 URL  : http://www.vulcanize-lon.com

■ Vulcanize London Aoyama A shopping arcade that originated in the 19th century and is lined with brands with common values that support the high-quality lifestyles of people living in London. "Valka Nise London" inherits its British style, and you can enjoy "modern British luxury" such as fashion items, travel cases, stationery, flowers and cosmetics as a one-stop shop in England. It is an "arcade shop" that condenses "now". There are about 30 British brands from well-established brands such as "Globe-Trotter", which is a favorite of the British royal family, "Smythson" and "Fox Umbrella" to the latest seasonal brands. We offer a wide range of British items from men's and ladies' fashion to lifestyle. "GLOBE-TROTTER" has a full lineup that boasts the best in Japan.