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" commmons: schola" is now on sale at Sankei Net Shop!

"commmons: schola" is now available for sale at Sankei Net Shop today!
Don't miss the commmons: schola special page, which contains Ryuichi Sakamoto 's thoughts on the publication of schola.
Sankei online shop

○Sankei Net Shop Limited Pre-Bulk Bulk Purchase Benefits: Ryuichi Sakamoto 's handwritten signature will be delivered to you!

As a limited benefit of the Sankei Net Shop, the previously published volumes 1-8 at the Sankei Net Shop
If you purchase them in bulk, you will get a staff notation with the address and signature of the purchaser.
You will be given a gift without exception.
After ordering, ask a professor living in New York, USA, for a signed signature.
Please note that it may take an additional number of days for the award delivery to arrive.