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Ryuichi Sakamoto Mallarmé Project au la nuit de "Igitur" - Herodiade / L' Après-midi d'un Faune

Ryuichi Sakamoto Mallarmé Project  au la nuit de "Igitur" - Herodiade / L' Après-midi d'un Faune

A great theatre play of collaboration of music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, visuals by Shiro Takatani, dance by Tsuyoshi Shirai and Misako Terada, and poetry reading by Akira Asada and Moriaki Watanabe 

Date: 07/22/2012 Sun.

TIme: 3:30pm open / 4pm start

Venue: Kyoto Art Theatre Shunjuza

TIcket: General ¥4,000  Senior ¥3,600  Student & Youth under 25  ¥2,500



Information: Kyoto Art Theatre ticket centre 075-791-8240